How Hydraulics Work: The Basics

Hydraulics can do some pretty amazing things. Of course, one can deduce that the hydro in hydraulics has something to do with water. But most people have never even taken a moment to consider what in the world water would have to do with the gigantic cranes that hover over city skylines. Hydraulic machines are… Read more »

Does OSHA Require Warning Devices On Cranes?

Nothing symbolizes progress better than massive cranes towering over a city skyline. The bigger the crane the bigger the job must be, along with a significant investment in Boston, Worcester, Springfield, or wherever you happen to live. It makes sense that, unfortunately, larger cranes also pose more serious safety issues for the people in their… Read more »

What Are Industrial Cranes Used For In Construction?

Construction sites typically utilize industrial cranes. What are these cranes used for? There are two main reasons to employ the use of cranes at a construction site: to lift and move heavy equipment from one area of the site to another and to lift equipment and structures up into their intended final position. Today’s modern… Read more »

The Benefits of Attending a Mobile Crane Inspection Program

Astro Crane is known for renting hydraulic cranes to those who need them in New England. The cranes range from 6 to 600 tons, and, as you could imagine, they shouldn’t be operated by just anyone. It takes knowledge and skill to operate heavy machinery. Those interested in operating cranes should always be thinking of… Read more »

How To Select The Right Crane For Your Project

Before you rent a crane from Astro Crane, there are several things you can ask us to ensure you’re renting the right crane for the job. First, what’s the weight and size of the load to be lifted? Next, what’s the height of the building where the load will be placed onto? Also, how far… Read more »

Important Facts about Crane Operator Testing

In America, it’s estimated that there are about 117,000 crane operators, with about 72,000 certified to type, 15,000 certified to type and capacity, and 30,000 without certification. Ideally, every crane operator should have certification that proves they’re competent to run a crane to both type and capacity. At issue is both competency and safety. After… Read more »

How To Improve Your Business Credit Score

Hiring a premier company like Astro Crane to assist your business is a smart move, and we’re happy to help! Since one of our main business practices has been to assist our customers as much as possible (helping to promote a longer and stable relationship with our partners), we want to help you improve your… Read more »

How Do Hydraulic Cranes Work?

Hydraulic technology was first developed in ancient Egypt when water was funneled through viaducts to power irrigation systems. It’s come a long way since then, developed for use in all manners of industries, from construction to automobile manufacture. Modern hydraulic cranes were designed to lift immensely heavy objects to assist with moving materials, heaving wrecks… Read more »

Ways to Avoid Crane Accidents

Astro Crane of New England rents hydraulic cranes, which lift between 6 and 600 tons. As you can imagine, these cranes handle very heavy things– the kind you have to be careful about or risk someone being injured or even killed. To reduce the potential for crane-related accidents it’s important for those involved with using… Read more »

What is the World’s Tallest Crane?

Here at Astro Crane, we take our role pretty seriously. To provide the best crane services and rentals in Massachusetts, we constantly need to learn new things about the industry, from the equipment we use to the techniques we employ. Most of the time, this results in a barrage of confusing stats and figures. Boring,… Read more »