As with any major construction project; safety is extremely important. For projects involving cranes and lifts, it is key that each piece of equipment is setup properly and professionally to avoid any dangerous accidents from occurring. When it comes to setting up a lift for a crane; the more information provided in the beginning, the more likely it is that the lift setup will be done correctly, according to the specific needs of the job.
Here are a few serious accidents that can be avoided if the crane lift is set-up by a professionally trained worker.
Caution: The company or workers setting up the lift, must be provided with precisely correct information to do the setup properly.

Incorrect Information Given for Load Size and Weight
If the incorrect weight and/or size of the load is given to those working to set up the lift, when the materials are loaded onto the lift, there is a high risk that the load could fall and injure nearby workers. A test lift should be done, and the load should not exceed the weight capacity of the lift. Workers can be seriously injured if the lift is overloaded, off-balanced, and falls from the lift.
Miscalculating the Height of the Building
Another important factor when setting up a lift, is calculating the height of the building the load will be set on. If this information is incorrect, the lift may not be set-up to be raised to the specific height required. It is vital to remember that there are heavy loads on these lifts and miscalculating the height to which they must be lifted can cause the crane to fail, possibly causing serious injury to anyone on or near the site.
Setting the Load Too Close to the Edge of the Building
Setting lift loads the proper distance away from the edge of the building is key to maintaining a safe construction environment. Miscalculations in this area can cause the load to hit the edge and fall off of the building, which can cause serious injuries and fatalities. This potentially fatal mistake can cause major problems for those working below and on top of the building.
Lacking Detailed Information on Where and How the Crane Should Be Sitting
Companies need as much detailed information, measurements, and dimensions of the area on the ground where the crane will be placed. They need to know exactly how far away from the building it should be and it is most helpful to know the conditions of the ground beneath the crane; if it’s wet, uneven, rocky, sitting on public utility lines or underground equipment, etc. If a crane is set on underground tanks or near power lines, this can create a very dangerous environment that could cause explosions and serious fires.
Safety First
When cranes and lifts are being used in construction areas, measurements and details need to be exact. The use of the crane and lift must be planned out ahead of time so that the correct information can be given to the crane any construction company requiring the use of a crane and lift, consult with the crane company to make certain that all details are in place to create the safest of working environments.
If you need help setting up your lift, learn how Astro Crane can help.